Career Guidance and Career Counseling
What is a Career Guidance and Counseling Program?
It is a comprehensive, developmental program designed to assist individuals in making and implementing informed educational and occupational choices. A career guidance and counseling program develops an individual's competencies in self-knowledge, educational and occupational exploration, and career planning.
Why is Career Guidance and Counseling Key to the Delivery of Vocational-Technical Education?
Career guidance and counseling programs help individuals acquire the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to identify options, explore alternatives and succeed in society. These programs better prepare individuals for the changing workplace of the 21st century by:
teaching labor market changes and complexity of the workplace
broadening knowledge, skills, and abilities
improving decision making skills
increasing self-esteem and motivation
building interpersonal effectiveness
maximizing career opportunities
improving employment marketability and opportunities
promoting effective job placement
strengthening employer relations
Who Benefits from Career Guidance and Counseling Programs?
Everyone benefits--youth and adults, male and female, disabled, disadvantaged, minorities, limited English proficient, incarcerated, dropouts, single parents, displaced homemakers, teachers, administrators, parents and employers.
Where are Career Guidance and Counseling Programs offered?
​Everywhere--elementary, junior and senior high schools, community colleges, technical institutes, universities, career resource centers, correctional facilities, community-based organizations, human services agencies, community and business organizations, skill clinics, employment and placement services.
What are the Key Components of Successful Career Guidance and Counseling Programs?
A planned sequence of activities and experiences to achieve specific competencies such as self-appraisal, decision making, goal setting, and career planning
Accountability (outcome oriented) and program improvement (based on results of process/outcome evaluations)
Qualified leadership
Effective management needed to support comprehensive career guidance programs
A team approach where certified counselors are central to the program
Adequate facilities, materials, resources
Strong professional development activities so counselors can regularly update their professional knowledge and skills
Different approaches to deliver the program such as outreach, assessment, counseling, curriculum, program and job placement, follow-up, consultation, referral
Highlight about Career Guidance and Counseling Programs?
Ensures qualified leadership and supervision
Continues expenditures for program support
Ensures program quality and effectiveness
Requires career development and activities for special populations
Promotes counselor training and retraining
Encourages elimination of sex bias and stereotyping
Strengthens tech prep programs through recruitment, retention and placement